Do You Know What Qualifies As A Dental Emergency?

Are you the kind of person who only visits a dentist in Merrillville when they are in pain and already too late? If so, you should be aware that, ignoring or delaying a dental treatment can be a danger to your health and worse than that qualify you to a dental emergency. For this reason, it is imperative that you go for checkups and treatments when the time is right.

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is one that involves the gums as well as the teeth causing either minor or major pain in other parts of the mouth. Injuries from accidents or sports could also cause trauma to the oral cavity and that would also be an emergency. If you have such a condition and neglect having it attended to by a dentist, you might suffer un-reparable nerve and tissue damages. Just like all other medical emergencies, dental emergencies also require qualified surgeons to identify and treat the conditions to avoid permanent damage.

How do you know when you have a dental emergency?

If you are not sure whether to consult your dentist immediately, try to consider dental pain. If you are in pain then that is indication enough you should seek help. Dental pain can sometimes be tolerated and other times extreme, but when it becomes unbearable, you ought to see a dentist as soon as you can.

What to do in dental emergency cases

When it comes to accidents due to physical activities then you can’t avoid them, you just have to get immediate help. Still, just in case you are not in a position o see a dentist immediately, here is what you need to do

  • Toothaches- Try not to take painkillers immediately because they are not a cure, actually, some of them like aspirin could increases your chances of bleeding. To decrease your pain, rinse your mouth with warm water to remove any food particles that might be affecting the tooth.
  • Fractured tooth- Rinsing this with warm water might decrease the swelling and some pain but you still have to go to a dentist and have it checked up.
  • Lodged foreign bodies- You can try to floss it out but if its stuck then you will have to see your dentist for an emergency treatment.

The dentist will ask you questions like when the pain started, whether it comes and goes, if you have taken any painkillers, whether you feel some other symptoms like fever and where the pain is located. You have to be aware of all this things so that you may get the right treatment. Everyone suffers some toothache one pint in his or her lives but prevention is still better than cure. Prevention actually gets more easier and does not involve pain.