Dental Tips That Will Help You Protect Your Kids Teeth

When the time comes for children to go back to school, they get to learn a ton of new things and dental care and hygiene should be one of them. This article is to give parents and teachers some good tips on dental care to pass on the little ones from Merrillville pediatric dentists.

  • All parents have a child back to school routine a trip to the dentist should be included. When they are going back to school, they tend to have physical checkups and some other doctor appointments so on this list should be included a dental check up as well so that they can have a routine cleaning and fresh start.
  • You should always let the kids choose their own toothbrush as well as toothpaste. By letting them choose, they will be excited about brushing and the whole cleaning idea making it easier for you because you won’t keep pressuring them to do it. Try to make sure that the products you get for your children are certified by the ADA.
  • Brushes with soft bristles are the best because they clean teeth without causing irritation or pain to the gums. If you have small kids, make sure that you get small brushes that will fit in their small mouth with ease and soft enough not to harm them.
  • Toothbrushes should always be replaced after three months, maximum four months or when the bristles are frayed. Try to store extra brushes and if your children or child gets sick, replace their toothbrush to avoid spreading germs and bacteria.
  • Always teach your children how to wash the tongue gently enough not to harm it and rough enough to get rid of all the bacteria.
  • Try to make brushing fun for them by playing a game while they are brushing which helps emphasize proper techniques.
  • When your children show good dental habits and follow everything you have been showing them, reward them for it so they feel appreciated and they also feel, the need to keep up the good behavior. Of course, they should not be rewarded with sugary stuff that will go on to damage the teeth.
  • Always make sure your children snack on healthy treats, which are essential for healthy teeth. You can give then things like apples, milk, cheese, celery and carrots.
  • As the parent, you should always know what to do in cases of dental emergency and have the kids fitted for mouth guards if they participate in physical activities like sports to protect them.
  • You can consider dental sealants for your children to protect them from bacteria that get in the grooves and tooth decay from cavities.

These are some of the things you can do to protect your children’s teeth, as they start or go back to school, so they can grow up with healthy teeth.